Revitalizing Tresses: A Holistic Journey to Combat Hair fall and Enhance Concentration in Miss H.N

hair fall


Miss H.N (Registration number ACQ- 44), a 21-year-old female, presented with a 5-year history of hair thinning, decreased hair growth, and daily Hair Fall of 10-15 strands with 50% volume loss with dandruff.

Past medical history includes Eczema (5-6 years of age.), Typhoid (2012), Jaundice (2017), PCOS (2020), and Dengue (2022).

Family History: Father has Asthma, and mother has Diabetes and Hypertension.

Personal History: Good appetite, thirsty, thermally hot.

Mental History: Extrovert, talkative, religious, irritable, confusion present, good willpower, low concentration.

Prescription: The patient was prescribed Lachasis 200.


02/09/2023: Hair fall improved to 3-4 strands per day, dandruff improved. Continued with treatment.

02/10/2023: Hair fall improved, dandruff better, complaints of acne. Continued with medicines.

13/11/2023: Hair fall and hair thinning reduced, acne improved. continued with treatment

01/12/2023: Exams approaching, increased confusion, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, Medications given accordingly. For 1 week along with regular medications.

16/12/2023: Exams went well, decreased confusion, and improved concentration. Dandruff, hair fall, and dryness improved. Continued with medicines.


The patient is highly satisfied with the treatment. Significant improvement in hair fall, reduced dandruff, and enhanced concentration. Successful management of multiple health concerns, contributing to overall well-being.