fungal infection

A 39 years young female patient named M.S. (Registration number: ACC-58) brought to HOMEO CARE CLINIC (24/09/2022) chief complaints of, she was piles since year.

C/O: Itching, scratching, burning and pain
Along with constipation since 9th standard, she had pain and difficulty in defecation.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:  As such no past medical history like any disease surgery and hospitalization.

Her father had piles
Her mother had Diabetes mellites
She has two siblings: 1elder brother had piles and 2elder brother is healthy.

The patient’s appetite was good and she could not bear hunger, she liked worm food and her favorite food was Sweets, her thirst level was also good. In addition to the above her urine and motion were normal. She had a disturbed sleep with a dream of a ghost. Her working speed was normal.  Her aversion to milk by taste and smell she was right-handed.

THERMALS: Hot patient

MENTAL ASSESSMENT: The patient was staying with her family. She was very active and creative activity like crafting drawings like Rangoli Mehndi designed in her childhood. She was very confident, had no stage fear, and had leadership qualities. She was always expected to be good in her looks. She was very conscious of her Respect and very sensitive to criticism and insult.

After a detailed case analysis and taking his chief complaints, physical generals, and mental characteristics into consideration Sulphur 200 single doses were prescribed.

1. FOLLOW-UP (20/10/2022)                  
NO History of cold and cough Reduce pain burning and itching. And constipation was improved. Given medicine for 40 day

2.  FOLLOW-UP (25/11/2022)                  
No pain and no burning, itching Motion was soft and no constipation symptoms were 60%. And given medicine for 40 day

3. FOLLOW-UP (29/12/2022)
Relief in piles 80% to 90.No No pain and constipation and no burning and itching.Given medicine for 40 days.


In conclusion, Homeopathy is a holistic approach to treating piles However, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner for the correct time dosage, and duration of treatment. Remedies can help alleviate symptoms, report underlying causes, and support the body’s vital healing abilities.