Case Study: Successful Homeopathic Treatment of Alopecia Areata in a 23-Year-Old Male

Homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata showing hair regrowth on a young male's scalp

Successful Homeopathic Treated of Alopecia Areata in a 23-Year-Old Male

Patient Details:

  • Name: M.V.
  • Age: 23
  • Registration Number: ACU-04
  • Date of Consultation: September 4, 2023


Chief Complaint: 

Alopecia Areata (bald spots) on the scalp since July 2022. Despite using Minoxidil serum regularly, the patient experienced new alopecia patches every 2–3 weeks.

Mental Causative Factor:

The onset of alopecia spots coincided with a low exam score, which led to significant fear and anxiety about his future. This emotional stress likely triggered the appearance of the first bald spot.

Past Medical History:

The patient had a history of tonsillitis in 2018.

Family History:

Both of the patient’s parents had suffered from alopecia during their teenage years, indicating a hereditary predisposition to the condition.

Physical General Assessment:

  • Appetite: Good.
  • Desires: Marked preference for non-vegetarian and fatty-rich foods.
  • Dreams: The patient frequently dreamed of scoring poorly in exams or not being prepared for them, reflecting his underlying anxiety about academic performance.

Mental Assessment:

During the mental assessment, several key traits emerged:

  • Stubborn and dominating personality.
  • Highly ambitious, with aspirations of becoming a CEO by his 30s.
  • Workaholic nature and sarcastic attitude.
  • Very practical, with a money-saving mindset.
  • Always punctual and a perfectionist in everything he pursued.

Case Analysis and Treatment

Considering the patient’s physical complaints, hereditary predisposition, and distinct mental characteristics, Nux Vomica 200 (single dose) was prescribed. Nux Vomica is often indicated for individuals who are ambitious, work-driven, and prone to stress, making it a fitting choice for treating stress-induced alopecia areata.

Follow-Up and Progress

  • 1st Follow-Up (October 14, 2023):

Observations: Remarkable progress was noted: No new alopecia patches had developed since the first dose. The progression of the disease was arrested, which was a significant improvement, given that the patient had been getting new patches every 2–3 weeks before treatment.


  • 2nd Follow-Up (December 02, 2023):

Observations: Further improvement was evident: New hair growth started appearing in the alopecia spots.

No new bald patches were observed.


  • 3rd Follow-Up (February 09, 2024):

Observations: Continued progress: The existing alopecia spots were 80% covered with new hair.

No new patches appeared since the beginning of the treatment.


  • 4th Follow-Up (March 17, 2024):

Observations: The patient experienced complete recovery: The alopecia spots were completely cured.

No new spots had appeared since the initial dose of Nux Vomica.


Photographic evidence:



This case highlights the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating alopecia areata, especially when the emotional and psychological causes are accurately addressed. In this case, the patient’s alopecia was closely linked to his stress and anxiety regarding his academic performance. By treating the underlying stress with Nux Vomica 200, the progression of the disease was halted, and the body’s natural ability to regrow hair was restored.

Homeopathy offers a promising alternative for those seeking a holistic approach to treating Alopecia Areata. When administered at the right time and in the right potency, homeopathic remedies can:

  • Alleviate physical symptoms.
  • Address the underlying causes, including stress or hereditary predispositions.
  • Support the body’s innate healing abilities and promote hair regrowth.

This case serves as a testament to the holistic nature of homeopathy, which considers not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental states of the patient, leading to comprehensive and long-lasting recovery.

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