Homeopathic Treatment for Delayed Milestones

best homeopathic treatment of delayed milestones

Delayed Milestones are defined as when the child does not reach one of the stages at the expected age.

Stages of child development :

  • Cognitive development
  • Social and emotional development
  • Speech and language development
  • Fine motor skill development
  • Gross motor skills development

Delayed Milestones symptoms :

  • Fine motor and gross motor skills delay :

Fine motor skill includes holding a toy or using a crayon and Gross motor skills includes jumping, climbing stairs, throwing a ball. A child can lift up the head at 3 months old age, sit with some support by 6 months and walk well before their second birthday. At age of 5, they can stand. But any of the delays in the above skills would be considered under the category of delayed Milestones.

  • Language and learning process :

At age of 6 months, children should be able to recognize the sound of simple language and at  12 to 15 months old children should be able to say 3 to 4 simple words. Most toddlers also say several words when they are at the age of 18 months.

Language delay occurs when children have difficulty in understanding what other people are saying or expressing

Speech delay occurs when a child is unable to say words that should be expected according to age.

Causes of delayed Milestones :

  1. Any post-traumatic stress
  2. Genetic disorders such as down syndrome
  3. Metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria
  4. Trauma to the brain of the baby
  5. Chromosomal abnormalities
  6. Intrauterine infections
  7. Congenital brain malformations
  8. Prematurity
  9. Ischemic hypoxia
  10. Birth trauma
  11. Meningitis or intracranial hemorrhage
  12. Teratogens
  13. Degeneration of cerebral gray matter

Diagnosis :

  • Development is screening with screening tools such as Denver or Bayley scale
  • Developmental surveillance
  • Diagnostic assessment
  • Prenatal history
  • Record of behavior since birth
  • Growth parameters
  • Investigation such as karyotyping
  • Fish analysis for microdeletions
  • Neurological examination

Homeopathy Management –

  • Calcarea Carbonicum :

This is one of the best remedies for delayed Milestones. This is a remedy suited to the flabby fair constitution. The mother often complains that child is slow in learning to walk and slow at dentition. Often indicated in obese and chubby babies who have large bellies. The child is sluggish, dull, lethargic. Delayed closure of anterior fontanelle. Excessive perspiration.

  • Aethusa :

This is also one of the best remedies for delayed Milestones. Especially indicated in babies who are unable to hold the head at the expected age These children are very restless and cry too much. The child is unable to digest milk. He vomits curdled milk when fed. The child appears to be weakly exhausted.

  • Baryta Carbonicum :

This is also one of the best remedies for delayed Milestones. More prone to children who are slow learners in walking and also speech. The mother says that the child may cry in fear if anyone visits the house. Most symptoms occur after vaccinations. The child appears to be dull, sluggish very inactive to respond to things.

  • Tuberculinum :

The child is weak emaciated mentally retarded.Speech activity is very slow as compared to age. More prone to recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. The child is dull inactive, slow.

  • Silicea :

Often indicated to babies who have delayed tendency in the closure of the fontanelles. Emaciation is a well-marked feature with delayed assimilation. The child shows sluggishness in both speeches and walks. Often have problems with the gastrointestinal system due to worm infestation.

Homeo care clinic :

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary along with his team has treated many patients successfully with delayed Milestones in children so if you are looking cure for your children do please visit Homeo Care Clinic, Pune for further assistance.