Case Study – Epilepsy(Fits) and Cerebral Palsy Cured with Homeopathy Treatment

Epilepsy(Fits) and Cerebral Palsy Cured with Homeopathy Treatment

A 16-year-old female, Ms. R.M. (Registration: ABB-89) visited Homeo Care Clinic on 31st October 2020 with the complaint of Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy.

She was suffering from this complaint since the age of 6-7 years. She had regular episodes of epilepsy. The episode was so severe that she used to get drained and remain unconscious for 2-3 days after epilepsy. The episode used to last for 15-20 minutes and being a Cerebral Palsy patient it was difficult for parents to manage her. She is completely bedridden since birth. They have consulted many modern doctors but epilepsy never reduced.

The patient was on anti-epileptics (Tab Oxyetal 150 mg) for the last 16 years and continued till they came for homeopathic treatment. Initially, they started with homeopathic treatment from some doctors but the results were not to their expectation.

The patient was a vegetarian with a normal appetite. She had cravings for spicy and aversion- sweets. Her stool, urine, sleep, and thirst were all normal. Hunger is intolerable for her.  The music she desires.

Pregnancy History – Mother had family stress and also study stress and relationship with husband was also not that great during pregnancy. She used to be always under stress.

Delivery History – Premature Delivery – 8 months – Didn’t cry immediately after delivery. Had to be kept in NICU for 1 month. All her milestones were delayed or absent. There is no neck holding and still, she is lying on the bed.

In her family medical history, her father was diabetic and her paternal grandfather had asthma.

Her current weight was 33.1 kgs.

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary studied the case in detail and prescribed her homeopathic medicine and follow-up after 2 months.


After 2 months of treatment on 25th December 2020, her parents came and said that her epilepsy has reduced. Advised to continue with treatment and reduced modern medicine.

After 3 months of further treatment on 21st January 2021, the patient’s epilepsy is reduced by 90-95%. No episodes of epilepsy. After medicine patient has started responding, started to speak some words, and understanding has improved.

The patient is continuing the treatment with no relapse and now continuing the treatment.


This case illustrates that homeopathy controls the episodes in epileptic cases by eliminating the relapses and reduces the intensity of epilepsy. The patient can lead a normal life with no further episodes.