Menopausal Syndrome

Menopausal Syndrome homeopathy treatment in pune


  • A menopausal syndrome is defined as a group of symptoms seen in a women’s body when the period of fertility ends.
  • Mostly reported between the age of 45 to 55yrs.
  • During this period ovaries are inactive to produce sex hormones causing permanent cessation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Physicians claim menopause as an absence of a menstrual period for more than one year without any underlying cause of disease.


  • Menopause
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flushes
  • Mood swings
  • Sleeplessness
  • Wrinkling of skin
  • Anemia


  • Joint and bone diseases
  • Heart diseases


  • Haemogram
  • Pap smear
  • Serum FSH levels
  • Serum LH level
  • Serum estradiol
  • Mammogram
  • Bone densitometry

Homeopathic Mode of System:-

  • Homeopathy treats the hormonal imbalance
  • Homeopathy targets both mental and physical issues of a woman.
  • Based on symptom similarity homeopathy has treated many patients successfully in their menopausal age and given them relief.

Homeopathic Management:-

  1. Graphites

Mostly indicated in females who are pale, anemic, sluggish, weakly debilitated. They often complain of hot flushes and night sweats. Thermally they are very chilly.

  1. Sepia

This is also one of the best remedies suitable for menopausal women who have feelings of sagging pelvic organs They are usually tired exhausted and lose interest in performing daily tasks. Doing a physical activity like jogging or dancing cheers up their mood. Sleeplessness, night sweats are also associated symptoms seen during menopausal age.

  1. Calcarea Carbonicum

This remedy is mostly indicated to flat flabby females. Night sweats, hot flushes, weight gain, fatigue, exhaustion are all characteristics found in them. During menopausal age, they usually complain of stiffness of joints with cramps in the legs and feet.

  1. Ignatia

This remedy is prescribed for emotional disturbances during menopausal age .women may seem to be very sensitive, hysterical, defensive, moody. Complaints mostly seen in these females during menopause are cramps in the legs, muscle spasms, headaches.

  1. Pulsatilla

Women who need this remedy are soft-spoken emotional. Feeling of insecurity due to becoming old aggravate their symptoms more. Mentally they are very much attached to their family and are very possessive of them. changeable moods, irregular periods, lack of thirst, hot flushes. A closed room aggravates their complaints more and they feel better in the open air.

Homeo Care Clinic:-

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary along with his team has treated many patients successfully with menopausal syndrome so if you are seeking your cure please visit our center for further.

Thus Dr. Vaseem Choudhary provides you Healthy Diet Chart and also gives the best homeopathy medicines to cure your menopausal syndrome. For more details, Call – 9595211594Online Consultation is also available.