Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by the loss of pigment in certain areas, resulting in white patches on the skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing pigment, are destroyed or stop functioning.
Patient Background:
A 61-year-old male Mr. T.K. (Registration number: ACP-49) visited on July 15, 2023, and presented with complaints of white patches (vitiligo) on nail beds, post-palm, and fingers of bilateral hands for one month. The first white patch appeared on the right middle finger then the right hand and later on the left hand. There was no itching present as such.
Past medical history
The patient had a medical history of dermatitis for 15 years, hypertension for 4 to 5 years, and had undergone surgery for bilateral cataract in 2016.
Family history-
The elder sister has a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. My younger sister died 3 years ago due to pancreatic cancer.
Personal History:
The patient reported being hot and thirsty, with a specific desire for sweets.
Sulphur 200 was prescribed based on the patient’s symptoms.
Mental History:
Mentally, the patient exhibited irritable behavior with expressive anger. The patient is sociable and talkative, the patient easily connected with others, and holds a positive image in society. He exhibited a polite nature and a tendency to spend money.
20/08/2023: There is no history of coughs or colds. White spots (vitiligo) were reduced by 30% on both the right and left hand. Further, there is a reduction in dermatitis with an improvement in physical general.
29/09/2023: White spots (vitiligo) were reduced by 50% on both the right and left hands. Significantly, there is a reduction in dermatitis with an improvement of physical health in general.
9/12/2023: marked improvement (70%) with a reduction in white spots on both the left and right hand. There is a complaint of itching in the anal region.
20/01/2024: There is a good improvement (90%) with a reduction of white spots on both the left and right hand. Itching in the anal region decreased.
23/02/2024: Complete recovery; no new spots appeared with no itching in the anal region. Fully recovered from white spots (vitiligo)
The homeopathic intervention not only resolved the vitiligo but also contributed to overall well-being, including improved sleep and mental calmness. The final follow-up on February 23, 2024, confirmed the complete recovery of the patient, highlighting the successful management of his presenting complaints.