Got Infected With Coronavirus ? Beaware of These Skin Condition Post Covid 19


  • Physicians claim that CORONAVIRUS has not only damaged the respiratory tract but also has shown positive signs of infection on the skin.
  • Scientific research has come to the conclusion that skin symptoms post COVID may persist around 2 to 3 months.
  • The common public has also given the opinion that prevention tips used for COVID 19 such as washing hands regularly and using sanitizer have also caused problems leading to skin irritation.
  • Research has shown that skin symptoms resolve as the infection subsidies.


1. Dryness of skin

  • Washing hands with sanitizer having high alcohol content have led to dryness of skin and skin peeling.
  • Homeopathic remedies used in these types are Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carbonicum, Graphites, Sulphur.

2. Dermatitis

  • Excessive usage of the mask has caused air, carbon dioxide mucous saliva to accumulate causing dermatitis.
  • Homeopathic remedies in this category are as follows Natrum Muriaticum, Silicea, Thuja, Sulphur.

3. Acne

  • Mask trapping oil and sweat deposits on the skin have also given rise to acne formation in many people who are prone to sensitive skin.
  • Homeopathic remedies for acne vulgaris is Pulsatilla, Sulphur Iodatum, Antimonium Tartaricum, Calendula.

4. Maculopapular rash

Prolong COVID 19 infection has also led to the formation of these types of rashes which later on are resolved as the infection subsides. Vitamin C has helped in faster resolution.

  • Homeopathic remedies for maculopapular rash are Belladonna, Camphora, Natrum Carbonicum, Staphysagria

5. Urticaria

  • Also known as hives which have a wheal-like appearance and cause severe itching are also seen in patients of post-COVID.
  • Homeopathic remedies for urticaria are Rhus Toxicodendron, Apis Mellfica, Medusa, Carcinocin.

Homeo Care Clinic:-

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary along with his team has treated many patients successfully of COVID 19 with post-infection so if you are seeking your cure please visit our center for further assistance.

Thus Dr. Vaseem Choudhary provides you Healthy Diet Chart and also gives the best homeopathy medicines to cure your skin infection during covid 19. For more details, Call – 9595211594Online Consultation is also available.