

Xerophthalmia is a serious eye condition characterized by dryness and damage to the cornea due to vitamin A deficiency. This deficiency is a significant public health concern, particularly in developing countries.


The primary cause of xerophthalmia is insufficient intake of vitamin A. This vital nutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the cornea and supporting proper eye function. Factors contributing to vitamin A deficiency include poor dietary habits, malabsorption issues, and inadequate intake of foods rich in vitamin A.


Xerophthalmia manifests with various symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. Early signs may include night blindness and difficulty adapting to low light. As the condition progresses, dryness, redness, and the development of Bitot’s spots on the conjunctiva become evident. In severe cases, corneal ulcers and blindness can occur.

Homeopathic Treatment Approach

Homeopathy, a holistic medical system, aims to address the root cause of xerophthalmia while considering the individual’s overall well-being. Homeopathic remedies are chosen based on the specific symptoms and constitution of the patient. The approach involves enhancing the body’s natural healing mechanisms and improving nutritional absorption.

Commonly Used Homeopathic Remedies

1. Belladonna: Considered when there is inflammation, redness, and sensitivity to light. It may be recommended in the early stages of xerophthalmia.

2. Apis Mellifica: Utilized for symptoms of burning, stinging pain, and swelling of the eyelids. It may be beneficial in cases of dry, irritated eyes.

3. Aconitum Napellus: Prescribed when symptoms appear suddenly, and there is a sensation of dryness and grittiness. It may be suitable for the early stages of xerophthalmia.

4. Euphrasia Officinalis: This remedy is indicated when there is excessive tearing along with burning and itching. It is often recommended for conjunctival irritation.

5. Natrum Muriaticum: Advised for individuals with dryness of the eyes, particularly in cases related to grief or emotional stress. It may be beneficial in chronic and recurring xerophthalmia.


It’s crucial to note that homeopathic treatment for xerophthalmia should be undertaken under the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary’s “Homeo Care Clinic” has emerged as a leading institution in the field of homeopathy, particularly in xerophthalmia treatment. The clinic’s approach combines years of experience, in-depth knowledge of homeopathic principles, and advanced research to achieve unparalleled results.