What patient need to know about Homeopathy

What patient need to know about Homeopathy

1. Who is a homeopath?

A homeopath is a medical practitioner who has graduated with a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, the purpose of this scientific study is to treat the human diseased part with the holistic approach by minute doses of natural substances

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary is a well-known practitioner who is practicing classical homeopathy for the last 10 years, So if you are facing any health problems and seeking a solution visit our center at Homeo care clinic

2. What are Homeopathic medicines made up of?

Homeopathic medicines are made by Homeopathic dilutions from a wide range of natural resources such as

  • Plant kingdom like roots, stem, leaves, algae, barks, weeds, seeds
  • Animals like a whole animal, animal organ, tissues, secretions
  • Minerals
  • Nosodes

Disease-causing bacteria or viruses such as bacillinum from tuberculous sputum, medorrhinum from gonorrhea virus, carcinogen from cancerous tissue,typhoidinum from Salmonella Typhi.

  • Sarcodes:

This includes endocrine glands as a whole such as adrenaline secretions produced from adrenal glands, pancreatinum from the pancreas of beef

  • Imponderablilia:

Medicines which is made through energy either natural or artificial source such as  Luna (full moon ), sol (Sunrays),

  • X-ray,radium (magnetus artificialis):

At Homeo Care Clinic, Pune we provide medicines service at your door, So consult our center for further assistance

3. Do Homeopathic medicines contain steroids?

No, Homeopathic medicines do not contain steroids. As they are made from natural resources they are not toxic, it is also claimed by physicians that  people on any treatment of steroids  show side effects such as , weight gain, excess body hair which is never seen after consuming homeopathic medications this proves that Homeopathic remedies don’t contain steroids

4. Can Homeopathic medicines be taken along with other medicines?

It is said that you should restrain yourself from taking Homeopathic remedies along with other conventional medicines in order to avoid the action of interference with each other, so it’s better to take other conventional medicines 20 minutes before or after consuming Homeopathic pills

Do and Don’t the detail of Homeopathic medicines will be provided to you with full information in detail in your Consultation by Dr.Vaseem Choudhary and his team

5. Is Homeopathy scientifically proven?

HOMEOPATHIC medicines are highly individualized and there are thousands of variety of remedies that can be prescribed on basis of different dilutions for peculiar symptoms

6. Is Homeopathic medicine safe?

Yes Homeopathic pills are said to be safe and non-toxic unlike other conventional medicines which have their own side effects

In the last 10 years not a single patient has shown any side effect who has been treated at  Homeo Care Clinic, Pune so feel safe to take treatment with our doctors

7. What conditions can be cured by availing of Homeopathic treatment?

Homeopathy helps in a wide variety of diseases such as chronic skin conditions like eczema Leucoderma, skin rash, allergies for eg dermatitis, cold coryza mental illness like psychological disorders, hormonal imbalances like post-menopausal symptoms, rheumatic conditions like arthritis, gout, etc…

8. How much time does it take for Homeopathic medicines to work?

Homeopathy is based on the fact that it can work rapidly within hours or it can also take months as it totally depends on your body healing process

9. How long can I stock Homeopathic medicines?

Homeopathic medicines have a shelf life of 5 years.

Depending on your course of treatment medicines will be provided to you at Homeo Care Clinic, Pune with full assistance

10. Is there any food restriction to be followed while taking Homeopathic medicines?

Yes ,all homeopaths recommend that as Homeopathic pills are consumed orally it’s better to avoid food with strong smell and taste for at least a gap of half and hour before and after  and there are some food items like coffee which acts as an antidote for some Homeopathic remedies so it should be stopped while on treatment similarly garlic should  also be restricted

11. What are the advantages of Homeopathic treatment?

Homeopathic pills are considered as non toxic without any side effects unlike other conventional medicines ,they are helpful in chronic illness pertaining to skin diseases such as psoriasis ,vitiligo ,and respiratory conditions like asthma ,COPD , lung infection , allergies like allergic dermatitis, acne ,disease related to female reproductive system such as PCOD , infertility ,ovarian cysts they can also treat mental symptoms based on individualisation Homeopathy also acts best in problems cropping in infants such as malnutrition , excessive weight gain above normal limits such as  obese child ,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder etc

If you still have any queries, Then must call on – 9595 211 594 or contact us via sharing your details with us!!