Homeopathy treatment for OSTEOPOROSIS 

Osteroporosis Treatment


Osteoporosis is a bone disorder characterized by weakened bones, making them fragile and more susceptible to fractures. It occurs when the density and quality of bone are reduced. The condition is often asymptomatic in its early stages, progressing silently until a fracture occurs. Factors contributing to osteoporosis include hormonal changes, aging, and nutritional deficiencies. 

Types of Osteoporosis: 

  1. Primary Osteoporosis:

   – Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Common in women after menopause due to hormonal changes. 

   -Senile Osteoporosis: Age-related bone loss affecting both men and women. 

  1. Secondary Osteoporosis:

   – Resulting from Other Conditions: Caused by medications, diseases, or treatments affecting bone density. 

Causes of Osteoporosis: 

  1. Aging: As individuals age, bone density naturally decreases. Aging bones may not be able to replace bone tissue as quickly as it’s lost, leading to a gradual reduction in bone mass.
  2. Hormonal Changes:

   – Postmenopausal Women: Reduced estrogen levels after menopause can accelerate bone loss. This is a significant cause of osteoporosis in women. 

   – Low Testosterone: Men with low testosterone levels may also experience bone loss. 

  1. Nutritional Deficiencies:

   – Calcium and Vitamin D: Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, essential for bone health, can contribute to decreased bone density. 

  1. Lifestyle Factors:

   – Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of weight-bearing exercises can lead to decreased bone density. 

   – Smoking: Tobacco smoke has been linked to decreased bone mass. 

   – Excessive Alcohol Consumption: Heavy alcohol intake can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium. 

  1. Medical Conditions and Medications:

   – Endocrine Disorders: Conditions such as hyperthyroidism or adrenal gland disorders can impact bone density. 

   – Medications: Long-term use of certain medications like corticosteroids and some anti-seizure drugs can contribute to osteoporosis. 

  1. Genetic Factors:

   – Family History: A family history of osteoporosis may increase the risk, indicating a genetic predisposition to the condition. 

  1. Low Body Weight and Eating Disorders:

   – Low Body Mass Index (BMI): Individuals with a lower BMI may have less bone mass. 

   – Eating Disorders: Conditions like anorexia nervosa can result in nutritional deficiencies affecting bone health. 


  1. Fractures:

   – Common Sites: Spine, hip, and wrist fractures are prevalent. 

   – Spinal Compression Fractures: Resulting in loss of height and stooped posture. 

  1. Back Pain:

   – Due to Fractures: Compression fractures in the spine can cause persistent back pain. 

   – Kyphosis: Curvature of the spine leading to a hunched or stooped appearance. 

  1. Loss of Height:

   – Vertebral Compression: Gradual loss of height due to compression fractures in the spine. 

  1. 4. Bone Density Testing:

   – Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA): Diagnostic test measuring bone mineral density. 

  1. Reduced Grip Strength and Muscle Weakness:

   – Result of Fractures: Reduced ability to grip objects and weakened muscles. 


Homeopathy is a holistic approach that believes in treating individuals based on their unique symptoms and overall well-being. In the context of osteoporosis , a homeopathic practitioner might consider various factors, such as physical symptoms, mental and emotional states, and lifestyle. It  involves a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, weight-bearing exercises, and homeopathic medications to strengthen bones. Early detection through bone density testing is crucial for timely intervention. Consultation with Homeopathic healthcare professional is recommended for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.  


1.Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos): 

Indication: Weak bones with slow development, especially in children and during pregnancy.  

Symptoms: Bone pain, difficulty in dentition, and a tendency to fractures. 

2.Silicea (Silica):  

Indication: Fragile bones with slow healing of fractures, often associated with constitutional weakness. 

Symptoms: Brittleness of bones, cold extremities, and recurrent infections. 

3.Symphytum Officinale (Symphytum):  

Indication: Helpful for fractures and injuries, especially in the eye socket or areas with a high periosteum. 

Symptoms: Promotes callus formation, eases pain around the fractured area. 

4. Calcarea Carbonica (Calc Carb):

Indication: Bone weakness, especially in those prone to obesity and sweating. Symptoms: Cold extremities, tendency to gain weight, and worsened bone pain in damp weather.

5.Ruta Graveolens (Ruta):

Indication: Useful for bone and joint injuries, strains, and fractures. 

Symptoms: Stiffness, bruised feeling, and pain aggravated by motion. 


 It’s important to reiterate that homeopathic remedies should be specified by a good homeopath after a thorough evaluation of the existent’s symptoms, medical history, and overall health. Dr Vaseem Choudhary’s “ Homoeo Care Clinic” is known for furnishing treatment for osteoporosis through a holistic approach.