World Malaria Day – 25th April 2021

World Malaria Day


World Malaria Day is celebrated on 25th April every year to control and eradicate malaria from society.


It was first initiated in the year 2008 developed from Africa Malaria Day an event which was observed in 2001 by the African government.

In the year 2007, a meeting was held by WHO where African Malaria Day was changed to World Malaria Day to recognize the existence of malaria in countries worldwide and to create awareness to fight against this disease.


Its purpose is to record progress towards goals aimed at controlling malaria and reducing its mortality in African countries.


Various themes in last 5 years which were held by WHO and other organizations in collaboration were as follows

  • Year 2016 (End Malaria for good)
  • Year 2017 ( Let’s close the gap)
  • Year 2018 (Ready to beat Malaria)
  • Year 2019 (Zero Malaria starts with me)
  • Year 2020 (Zero Malaria starts with me)

The theme for the year 2021 is


It signifies that every malaria case is preventable and every malaria death is unacceptable.


Plasmodium Parasite

There are 5 parasite species that cause malaria in humans among which Plasmodium Vivax and Plasmodium Falciparum pose the greatest threat.


  • Symptoms usually appear 10 to 15 days after the infective mosquito bite.
  • Fever, headache and chills are noted which may be mild and difficult to recognize as malaria and if left untreated within 24 hours may lead to death
  • Children with severe malaria often develop anaemia, respiratory distress in relation to metabolic acidosis or cerebral malaria
  • In adults multi organ failure is often observed.


  • Vector Control
  • Insecticides treated mosquito nets
  • Indoor residual spraying
  • Vaccinations against malaria


  1. Homeopathic remedies help in maintaining the balance in the body and promotes it ability to heal itself
  2. Depending on the plasmodium species Homeopathic remedies are proved to be fruitful for cure.
  3. Many remedies in Homeopathy have proved to be effective in treating malarial symptoms along with their associated symptoms some of which are as follows,
  • Phosphorus If there is marked liver involvement
  • China when there is marked destruction of red blood cells.
  • Ferrum Metallicum when there is complete exhaustion from anemia.
  • Lycopodium when there is gas and abdominal bloating
  • Natrum Muraticum in cases of cachexia and chlorosis, emaciation, and irregular intermittent fever


  • Dr. Vaseem Choudhary has treated all types of infectious diseases in all age groups with his expert knowledge and mastery skills
  • At Homeo Care Clinic along with conservative management of treatment preventive measures, discussion is been reviewed to the patient during their followups.
  • Vaccinations dosage is also provided at our center
  • Many patients of malaria have been treated successfully by Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and his trained staff where cure is achieved fully without progression of further complications.
  • All age groups are been benefited at Homeo Care Clinic.

To know more about us please visit our center for further assistance