Numbness in Feet and Legs

Numbness in Feet and Legs



  • Nowadays due to the modern era and the fast pace of life people around the globe are engaged more in their work life and they ignore their health unless it causes dangerous complications.
  • Numbness in the legs is one of those symptom that patient usually experiences in their day-to-day life but due to their ignorance they land up into fatal disease if left untreated at the proper time
  • Today we will focus on some basic facts about this symptom and we will highlight those points as to why numbness in feet should be not overlooked and should be taken into serious condition and treated at the optimum time.



  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Peripheral arterial disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nerve damage
  • Trauma to leg
  • Cancer
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Stroke
  • Lupus
  • Tumour


  • Which vitamins work best for numbness in feet and legs?

B vitamins act best in curing numbness of the legs to a certain extent.

  • Which medications are useful in treating numbness?

Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Carbamazepine, phenytoin.

  • Which medicines give instant relieve from numbness in feet?

Neurobion forte injection can give instant relief to the patient.

  • Which food or beverage should be taken if experiencing numbness in the leg?

Pomegranate fresh juice is helpful for muscles and nerve damage so can help treat numbness.

  • Which dry fruit is good for nerves?

Cashews are a staple in many regions of the country and offer numerous health benefits.

  • Is milk safe for numbness in feet?

The potassium and magnesium content of milk act as vasodilators and calm nerves relax muscles and even help in relieving numbness.

  • Recommend food items helpful for numbness in the legs

Omega 3-rich foods, lean proteins, legumes, nuts, vegetables such as spinach, broccoli whole grains are all good for numbness of the foot.

Homeopathic Management

  • Agaricus

One of the finest medicine used for numbness in legs. Patients experiences the sensation of crawling of ants on their legs. Numbness felt more when legs overlapped or crossed with pricking sensation is well marked feature.

  • Phosphorus

Patients say that they experience numbness as if the leg is fallen asleep . Foot feels heavy like a lead with clumsy movement in it .Numbness often comes with pins and needles pricking sensation in lower limb.

  • Hypericum

Mostly indicated for numbness of feet from nerve injury. Crawling sensation in the foot is also characteristic feature of this medicine. Some patients also say that they feel as if someone is pricking their leg with needles .

  • Kali phos

General prostation and debility due to numbness of foot is characteristic feature of this medicine .Burning in toes and soles is also present in these patients .Numbness most marked when moving around which causes restricted movement of leg .

  • Calcarea Carbonicum

Numbness of foot which mainly arises in evening and during night in bed often calls for this medicine .Coldness and dampness of foot is present .Sweat on foot with sour smell is also well marked feature of this medicine .

Homeo Care Clinic

Dr Vaseem Choudhary along with his team have treated many patients successfully of Numbness of feet so if you are seeking for your cure please visit our centre for further assistance.