Foods to eat

  • Drink 1 glass of low fat milk .
  • You can opt for eggs in breakfast
  • Oat meal ,sprouted grain is also considered to be best option.
  • Low fat milk yoghurt is also said to be safe .
  • Consume lot of green leafy vegetables which help to fight numbness such as spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes.
  • Can have legumes such as beans ,peas, lentils .
  • Rice eaters can opt for brown rice .
  • Consume beetroot juice.
  • Eat fruits such as bananas, oranges, pomegranate, lime , cherries, grapes.
  • Eat dry fruits such as pistachios, walnuts, almonds .
  • Nonvegetarian can opt for lean protein such as chicken and turkey
  • Eat omega 3 rich food such as fish , flax seeds and chia seeds.
  • Eat salads full of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, beetroot.


 Foods to avoid

  • Avoid eating sugary products and artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid corn and corn products .
  • Avoid pastries , cookies ,bakery items
  • Avoid junk and fast food .
  • Avoid eating salty snacks such as wafers, salted nuts
  • Avoid gluten products such as wheat
  • Avoid eating potato chips ,frozen meals .


Homeo Care Clinic

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary along with his team has treated many patients successfully for numbness in the legs and feet so if you are seeking for your cure please visit our center for further assistance.