Case Study of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Completely Cured by Homeopathic Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Completely Cured by Homeopathic Treatment | Dr. Vaseem Choudhary


A 60-year-old female Mrs. A.S. (Registration number ABB-57) presented with complaints of loose motions, characterized by watery consistency and the presence of food particles, occurring every 4-5 days.

  1. Past history: included a right knee replacement in 2015, and she had known cases of diabetes and hypertension.
  2. Family history: diabetes in her father and hypertension in her mother.
  3. Personal history: the patient reported being hot and thirsty, with a preference for open air. She had a liking for sweet foods but an aversion to sour ones. Profuse perspiration and sound sleep were notable aspects of her health.
  4. Mental Characteristics: The patient exhibited extroverted and talkative traits, easily mixed up with people, and expressed her anger openly.
  5. Prescription: The prescription involved the administration of sulfur 200.


  1. 20/12/2020: The patient reported watery stools with loose motions occurring 3–4 times a week. Medications were continued.
  2. 16/02/2021: A 20% reduction in watery stools was noted, along with an improved appetite. The patient was advised to continue the prescribed medications.
  3. 7/05/2021: Loose motions were further reduced by 40%, with a return to normal appetite and good thirst.
  4. 6/7/2021: A significant improvement of 60% in complaints was reported, prompting the continuation of medications.
  5. 3/9/2021: The patient had no complaints of loose motions, and food particles were rarely present in the stool. Medications were continued.
  6. 9/10/2021: The patient reported no episodes of loose motions for the last two months, and bowel movements were regular and satisfactory.


The prescribed remedy, sulfur 200, demonstrated a progressive reduction in loose motions and other IBS-associated symptoms. By the final follow-up in October 2021, the patient had achieved complete resolution, highlighting the efficacy of the homeopathic intervention. Regular and satisfactory bowel movements indicated a successful outcome of the prescribed treatment.