Bronchial Asthma Victory: Single Dose of Arsenic Alb 200 Homeopathic Medicine Leads to Remarkable Recovery

A 44-year-old female Mrs.K.M. (Registration number ABP-92) presented to the Homeo Care Clinic on 2/12/2022 with a history of Allergic Bronchial Asthma for the last 20 years.
She described symptoms including breathing sounds, wheezing, and whistling sounds, exacerbated by smoke, dust, and changes in weather. The episodes occurred mostly twice a year, lasting for 4-5 days each time.



The patient had a history of cesarean sections (LSCS) in 1999 and 2001.


Family History

Her father had a history of hypertension.


Personal History

The patient follows a vegetarian diet with a good appetite and the ability to tolerate hunger. She prefers warm food, has cravings for sweets, and reports a good level of thirst. Sleep is disturbed due to complaints, and the patient experiences cold palms. In terms of thermal preference, she tends to feel chilly.


Mental History

The patient is religious, active, punctual in daily activities, values neatness and cleanliness, easily interacts with people, and strives for perfection.



The patient was prescribed Arsenic Album 200.



1. Date:15/01/2023
   – Significant Improvement: Drastic improvement is noted.
   – Wheezing resolved on the second day of medication.
   – Breathing sounds improved.
   – Sleep quality enhanced, now sound and refreshing.



The patient suffering from bronchial asthma found significant relief and satisfaction after receiving a single dose of Arsenic Album 200 through homeopathic treatment, marking a notable improvement in their condition.